Since my conversion to Jesus Christ, I have been moved to write inspirational words that express how I feel about my daily walk with Jesus Christ.
I had started several inspirational books over the years, but the demands of college, working as a Marketing Communications writer, writing songs, volunteering as a lay minister in my church, and health challenges all took pieces of me that either siphoned my creative flair into other avenues or distracted me therefrom altogether.
While I have succeeded in writing and publishing two books, they are secular in nature. However, the waters of inspiration to tell the world about Jesus Christ and His gospel has never run dry!
The time has come for me to revisit this interest in my attempt to convey to others the Light that has come into my life so that they may have the opportunity to behold it for themselves. Ultimately, it is my hope that these writings will bring joy in Christ to all who read them with an open mind and receptive heart–and God be glorified in the process.
All I ask is that you do so prayerfully so that the Holy Ghost may tell you whether my words are true. Then, when you come to know–as I have–that the Restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, which had been lost over millennia, is here once again upon the face of the earth.
The “ball”stone [that was] cut out without hands, … and filled the whole earth…” (Daniel 2:31-45) is so doing today: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that “stone” spoken of in the Book of Daniel, which I bear testimony of in the name of Jesus Christ.
“He that hath ears to hear, let him hear” Mark 4:9.
Milluminata House Books in Process
Quantum Christianity: Accessing the Power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ